Updates and Appreciation

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Fighting with Flu BugsI want to start off with a big THANK YOU to everybody that has pre-ordered a copy of Made by Hand:Furniture Projects from the Unplugged Woodshop; the response and positive feedback has really made my week and I wanted to say again how much I appreciate the support. :)
That said, Ive been feeling like a bag of s**t for the past five days! Been battling a flu bug all week so the door production has been pretty slow. I did manage to get a good bit of the window mouldings completed yesterday and today. I must be getting the upper hand on the little buggars!
Its funny, all through the building process Id been sort of thinking that the hard work was over with but as it turns out (and isnt this alchoices the choice?) the window treatments have been more work than I planned. Its not that theyre exceptionally difficult but theres alot of them and theyre thin mouldings so working on them is a bit of a juggling act. I built myself a sticking board when I started the panel mouldings but its just a little too wide and too short for these ones. I should have made another for the smaller mouldings but instead Ive been placing side batons and clamps to hold things in place...not ideal but it is working.Lots of jigging and fussing and cussing about! If I were feeling better this past week I would have made a new one but everything gets amplified when youre trying to fight off a cold.
So I had hoped by this point tonight Id be showing some pictures of all the door elements completed but it wasnt in the cards. I do only have a few more pieces to finish so hopefully by weeks end. Then itll be on to the finishing and glue up.
Notice the order? Yup finish first...well most of it anychoice. Im going to pre finish the mouldings, the panels and all of the other rick-rack before assembly. Less chance of runs and the like. Also, as far as the panels go Ill definitely finish them so in the event they do somehow shrink and expand the 1/2" Ive allotted then you wouldnt see any unfinished wood showing on the edges.
With that, Im going to go make a cup of tea and sit down to listen to the last episode of Wood Talk online...Marc Spagnuolo (the Wood Whisperer) just informed me that they gave the blog a plug! Check it out here: http://thewoodwhisperer.com/wood-talk-online-59/
Tomorrow Im going to be breaking out the ol bow-saw...you can see the shape of the window sill decorative treatment in the shot above; should be fun!
Stay tuned.

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