Greener Is as Greener Does

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Reduce, Reuse and RecycleAs a woodworker-day in and day out, working with a medium that is truly all things living, I have a hard time not thinking about our planet, our forests and our environment. Not to get all Al Gore on you- but global warming, green house gases and my own carbon footprint...weve all heard the arguments and hopefully were all doing our share to help. That said I just received a letter from Mark at Technoprimitives describing how hes doing his own part. Bad Axe Tool works is his new saw manufacturing company and I thought (or hoped) that some of you out there may be interested to hear about his choices for packaging his new hand saws. This is a blog link from a company called Salazar packaging out of Chicago, they specialize in 100% recycled products. Hes also working with another company that manufacturers a void fill/blocking/cushioning product called green cell foam to safely and soundly pack his saws- which by the choice should be shipping next week!
On this note, I try my best to use reclaimed lumber whenever I can but when buying from a mill its up to you as a woodworker to ask if the wood products youre using are sustainably harvested. Every little bit counts right?
Here is the blog: Salazar Packaging

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