Waxed Line

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Last summer frame and panel door is held in place with waxed line.
So some wood shop essentials eh?
Jack plane- check. Panel saw-check.
24-in. steel rule-check. Waxed line-hmmm…??
A few years ago my Father-in-law gave me a spool of waxed line. I started using it for dry fits and other jigs and set ups around the wood shop and you know what? I couldn’t live without it.
Sometimes called waxed linen thread as well as 6-4 cord, it’s almost impossible to tear with your hands and when you tie a knot in it, it stays put.
This weekend while I was making a drawer for a project in my new book I used it to dry fit the components. A quick wrap around the drawer box and I’m good to go. In the past I would use clamps or blue painters tape but this stuff works so much better and is a heck of a lot faster. Another great thing is you can use it over and over again so a spool will last you years.
Another little work shop secret I thought I’d share.
Waxed line holding a drawer together for a dry fit.

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